Adlerian Spotlight

September 2021

Jody Malterre

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Location: Boise, Idaho

Degrees, licenses & certifications: MAEd Montessori Education, BS Psychology and Human Development

Certificate in Adlerian Studies, Certified Positive Discipline Trainer.

Education: MAEd Montessori Education, BS Psychology and Human Development

Institutional Affiliation: Positive Discipline Association, American Montessori Society

1. What do you do? I enjoy work as a Positive Discipline Trainer and Board Member of the Positive Discipline Association, as well as a Montessori Teacher Trainer.  I also work one on one as a parent coach and a consultant for schools.  Basically, I help others who want to help others.  Prior to this work I owned and operated three Montessori schools.

2. Where do you work? Besides working for myself, I also contract with various Montessori training centers and schools.  This work takes me to numerous places domestically and internationally.  Lately, like many others, I work from my desk at home in Boise, Idaho which has been home for 27 years.

3. Research interests/Life Task interests I’m all about the social life task! I love people and enjoy finding time to have a good time.  However, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention my work. I love the work I do. I dream of a day when parent education is accessible to every family in Idaho. I am fervently training others to help this come true.

4. If you could be any animal/mineral/spirit/object what would you be? I suppose I would put a few together and say that my spirit animal is Leslie Knope from Parks and Rec. She is positive, fun, and a bit over organized. She is all about finding optimism and rallying others to be as enthusiastic about life as she is. She is quoted, “We have to remember what's important in life: friends, waffles and work. Or waffles, friends, work. But work has to come third.” As much as I am all about the waffles, I could learn from her about making work come third.

5. If you could have lunch with one person from the past, who would it be? I would choose to have lunch with Maria Montessori. I admire her bold feminism and her advocacy for not just children, but the human spirit in general. I would love to converse about society today and how Montessori schools can best be responsive to today’s challenges. 

6. What would you eat? Pasta, of course!  We would eat in her favorite Italian cafe. Although, she denied her homeland during WWII and found refuge in both India and the Netherlands. So a close second to pasta would be some great Indian food.

7. Why did you join NASAP (and when)? I joined NASAP in 2019 when a colleague asked me to co-chair a section with her.  Saying “no” is not my strongest attribute! I was happy to say yes, not just because I can’t say no, but truly because I have always admired the work of NASAP. While I have been active in my local NASAP affiliate, I have aspired to be active in NASAP. My mother-in-law was an Adlerian who frequently attended NASAP events and always spoke so highly of the community. 

8. What are your hopes for the future of NASAP? I see NASAP as an organization fulfilling its own life tasks which in turn will inspire others to find purpose in their own. I also would love to see not just NASAP  as a household name. If NASAP was more mainstream, we could be the “Mr Roger’s Neighborhood” for adults. 

9. How have you participated in NASAP so far? I’ve attended two online conferences, and look forward to many more!  As the Educator’s Section Co-Chair, I’ve worked to engage our members. This fall I look forward to helping to launch a 4-part speaker series designed to help teachers, but open to all. My NASAP story is an example that there is a place for everyone to be involved.

10. What’s one example of how community interest can be increased today? Let’s all be the Fred Rogers of our community. Buck the system, be inclusive, break down barriers, and learn to be neighbors.  

August 2021

 Ashley Greensmyth

Location: Burnaby, BC Canada

Degrees, licenses & certifications: Registered Clinical Counsellor with the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors (BCACC), Certified Gottman Seven Principles Leader for Couples, Gottman Level 1

Education: Masters in Counselling Psychology (Adler University Vancouver)

1. What do you do? I work as a clinical counselor in private practice. My focus in private practice is largely on helping individuals navigate anxiety, relationships, stress, and personal development. I also help couples to strengthening their bond and resolve conflict at all stages of the relationship, from dating to marriage.


2. Where do you work? Prior to the pandemic, I worked in a private space within a multidisciplinary clinic, as well as in a separate counseling office as an associate counsellor among a group of colleagues. Since the pandemic, I switched to working online and have remained online over the past one year and counting.

3. Research interests/Life Task interests: I’m very interested in continuing my training in couples therapy and providing more workshops on relationships, stress, and mood management. add also love to therapy training and add salaries to my repertoire. I really enjoy public speaking and connecting with the community to make mental health information more accessible. Exploring the impact of culture and acculturation is another area of interest, especially because I work with a very diverse population.

Illustration © Alyssa Rodríguez, 2021

Illustration © Alyssa Rodríguez, 2021

4. If you could be any animal/mineral/spirit/object what would you be? I remember answering a question like this during my postgraduate studies and I chose a golden retriever service dog. To me, it represents duty, compassion, service, love, playfulness, curiosity, and fun, which are some of my most closely held values.

5. If you could have lunch with one person from the past, who would it be? I suppose some people might pick an historical figure, but who comes to mind for me is my dad's mother. She died a month before I was born. There's a story my mom tells that I was breech until soon before my birth, and my grandma placed her hand on my mom's belly over me and said a prayer. Soon after that, I turned around. My dad talks about her in a way that makes me think we would have a lot in common, so I would love to have a long conversation with her.

6. What would you eat? I think I would pack a picnic of sandwiches and charcuterie and make the event like a high tea. Id like to prepare it myself, to thank her for what she gave to me.

7. Why did you join NASAP (and when)? I joined NASAP in 2018 because I decided to attend the conference in Tucson, AZ. NASAP had been on my radar for a year or so, and my friend encouraged me to attend the conference. Adler's philosophy has influenced my life since I became a middle child, and I adopted his philosophy in my practice. The opportunity to learn alongside the Adlerians that I studied and cited throughout my education was exciting, and after attending the conference, I was hooked.

8. What are your hopes are for the future of NASAP? My hope is to see a strong cultivation of community that focuses on social justice, education, equality, and inclusion among its members and the community. I'd love to see more students, millennials, and gen z attendees at the conference, as well as greater diversity among NASAP presenters. I think there's also room to modernize NASAP, and it is inching towards that with the hybrid conference and more social media activity. Opportunities to contribute towards causes through organized group volunteering could be another way to increase the sense of unity among NASAP members.

9. How have you participated in NASAP so far? So far, I have participated by being a member of NASAP, attending conferences and TapTalks, and presenting. 

10. What’s one example of how community interest can be increased today? This idea is inspired by Gabor Mate’s recent documentary, “The Wisdom of Trauma.” There are a lot of invisible people in our communities, whether they are homeless, struggling with substance abuse, or self-isolating because of mental health or other distress. We can show community interest by engaging in conversation with strangers and connecting on a human-to-human level; offering support (if it's appropriate, and within a person's means), even having a conversation to share compassion and the power of connection.

 July 2021

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Kristian Orozco Figueroa

Location: Barcelona, Spain


Certifications: Certified life coach and consultant specializing in Adlerian leadership, personal empowerment, and cohesive teamwork.

What do you do? I help people balance the pluses and minuses in their lives.

Where do you work?  I am the founder and director of Agile Courage, a program designed to encourage the growth and development of help professionals committed to creating transformational change in their communities through the principles of Adlerian philosophy.

Research interests/Life Task interests - Very much like Einstein, I am in search of the theory of everything. This means I always look for the connection between things in a wide range of topics that are of interest to me—from science, psychology, and politics to art, spirituality, and current events. 

If you could be any animal/mineral/spirit/object what would you be? I would love to be a redwood tree—tall, grounded, strong yet flexible.

Illustration © Galen Gaze, 2021.

Illustration © Galen Gaze, 2021.

If you could have lunch with one person from the past, who would it be? It would definitely be Alfred Adler. I would like to know more about the visionary man who was inspired to bring to the world such a powerful and impactful philosophy on the meaning of life.

What would you eat? I would probably ask him a million questions, so I am not sure we would have much time to eat! But I suspect we would eat some kind of meat—and vegetables too, of course.

Why did you join NASAP (and when)? Because I am based in Barcelona, the time difference and distance have limited my capacity to participate in events of interest. Because the restrictions created by the pandemic prompted many programs to be more readily available online, I joined NASAP to keep learning and connecting with the community of fellow lovers of Adlerian theory.

What are your hopes for the future of NASAP? It would be wonderful for NASAP to promote the development of Adlerian (life) coaching programs. 

How have you participated in NASAP so far? I have joined some of the virtual workshops and trainings.

What’s one example of how community interest can be increased today? I believe that focusing our attention on the shared values surrounding a wide range of issues that lead to social conflict is a more effective way to increase interest in the concerns and wellbeing of others.

¿A qué te dedicas? Ayudo a las personas a equilibrar las ventajas y desventajas de sus vidas.

¿Dónde trabajas? Soy el fundador y director de Agile Courage, un programa diseñado para fomentar el crecimiento y desarrollo de profesionales de la ayuda comprometidas con crear un cambio transformador en sus comunidades a través de los principios de la filosofía adleriana.

Intereses de investigación / Intereses de tareas de la vida - Al igual que Einstein, estoy en busca de la teoría del todo. Esto significa que siempre busco la conexión entre cosas en una amplia gama de temas que me interesan, desde la ciencia, la psicología y la política hasta el arte, la espiritualidad y los temas de actualidad.

Si pudieras ser cualquier animal / mineral / espíritu / objeto, ¿cuál serías? Me encantaría ser una secuoya: alta, firme, fuerte pero flexible.

Si pudieras almorzar con una persona del pasado, ¿con quién sería? Definitivamente sería Alfred Adler. Me gustaría saber más sobre el hombre visionario que se inspiró para traer al mundo una filosofía tan poderosa e impactante sobre el significado de la vida.

¿Qué comerías? Probablemente le haría un millón de preguntas, ¡así que no estoy seguro de que tuviéramos mucho tiempo para comer! Pero sospecho que comeríamos algún tipo de carne—y también verduras, por supuesto.

¿Por qué te hiciste miembro de NASAP (y cuándo)? Debido a que estoy basado en Barcelona, ​​la diferencia horaria y la distancia han limitado mi capacidad para participar en eventos de interés. Debido a que las restricciones creadas por la pandemia hicieron que muchos programas estuvieran más disponibles en línea, me uní a NASAP para seguir aprendiendo y conectándome con la comunidad de colegas amantes de la teoría adleriana.

¿Cuáles son tus esperanzas para el futuro de NASAP? Sería maravilloso para NASAP promover el desarrollo de programas de coaching adleriano.

¿Cómo has participado en NASAP hasta ahora? Me he unido a algunos de los talleres y formaciones virtuales.

¿Cuál es un ejemplo de cómo se puede aumentar el interés de la comunidad en la actualidad? Creo que centrar nuestra atención en los valores compartidos que rodean una amplia gama de cuestiones que conducen a conflictos sociales es una forma más eficaz de aumentar el interés en las preocupaciones y el bienestar de los demás.

June 2021

This month we get to celebrate TWO awesome Adlerians!

Ishtar Beck


Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
on the ancestral, occupied, unceded lands
of the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh, xʷməθkʷəy̓əm,
and Tsleil-Waututh peoples.

Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology,
Adler School of Professional Psychology
(now Adler University)
Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC)
Canadian Certified Counsellor (CCC)
Certified Parenting Facilitator (CPF)

What do you do? Where do you work?
All my work is set up as a social enterprise. Under the umbrella of my own private practice, CounsellingHome, I engage in several branches of activities. First, and at the heart of my practice, I provide Adlerian counselling and psychotherapy to individuals and couples. Second, I lead parenting classes in my neighbourhood. The most recent parenting class was on Zoom, which was quite a learning curve for me. I provide parent guidance in private sessions as well. Third, I occasionally run Adlerian couples counselling workshops. 

The fastest-growing aspect of my work has been my supervision practice, Ciel Community Counselling. In 2017, I mentored a student for the first time. The student provided low-cost counselling with my supervision. Since then, Ciel Community Counselling has grown significantly. The demand for a low-cost service is extremely high. The social justice aspect of running such a service, and reaching many clients who could not access full-fee service seems more crucial than ever these days. The reality is that in my part of the world, it seems mental health services are utilized mostly by those who can afford it, or by those who are mandated, e.g., in such a terrible crisis that they may be homeless and struggling with addiction. Ciel provides a low-cost community service that aims to address the enormous gaps in mental health care in my region.

Supervision now takes up about half of my practice. This fall, Ciel Community Counselling is set to number eight student counsellors and four supervisors—me and three collaborators.

Research interests/Life Task interests

Community counselling is my main interest these days. I would very much like to see clinics like Ciel sprout up all over the world.


If you could be any animal what would you be?

I would be an eagle, soaring high and eating lots of raw fish. I know, I know! Adler means eagle! I hope that’s not too corny.

If you could have lunch with one person from the past, who would it be? What would you eat?

I would love to have a sushi lunch with Raissa Epstein Adler. Her feminism and revolutionary spirit are my greatest inspirations.

Why did you join NASAP?

There is such a wonderful sense of community and solidarity among Adlerians. When I was a student volunteer at the 2011 conference (Victoria), I was deeply impressed by the older Adlerians’ friendliness and forthcoming, welcoming approach. The younger people were made to feel as important as the longtime professionals with long lists of publications to their names. There was a true shouldering up of the next generation. I felt like I could belong. 

What are your hopes for the future of NASAP?

I would like to see many more folks from younger generations joining NASAP. I would like very much to see NASAP involved in social justice projects in such a way that the younger generations are engaged. I would like there to be scholarships made available for BIPOC counsellors and for the training of many more BIPOC counsellors.

How you've participated in NASAP so far?

I presented at the 2017 conference (Vancouver), at the 2018 conference (Toronto) and at the 2019 conference (Tucson). The topics ranged from parent education to couples counselling. I hope my next presentation will be about community counselling, perhaps in 2022.

Xiaoxuan Qu

MA, Doctoral Student at Syracuse University 

Greetings! My name is Xiaoxuan Qu, written as 曲肖璇in my mother tongue, Chinese. It can be closely pronounced as “shaw-shwan tsu.” I am a doctoral student in Counseling and Counselor Education at Syracuse University. Due to the pandemic and other constraints, my doctoral studies took off virtually. Regardless of the number of miles in the distance, I believe that some folks undoubtedly could relate to the multi-folded experience of remote learning and working.


What motivated me to join NASAP?

Speaking of interests, I could still recall my eagerness to join NASAP about a year ago. NASAP is a vibrant Adlerian hub, so becoming a member required a minimum of thought. I run a regular column called Dancing on the Waves: Sailing through Doctoral Studies in The Connection. I wanted the column to be a platform to communicate my learning of Individual Psychology and counselor education with an appropriate audience. I also wanted it to be a roundabout where current graduate students, graduates, and interested individuals could meet once in a while with shared and distinct experiences. The column has been a connecting point. I look forward to seeing it grow in its creative way.

It is an absolute honor to be in the Adlerian Spotlight. I am lit by Adler’s theory, many Adlerians’ guidance, as well as the opportunity from The Connection. I wish you all a jolly June!

Xiaoxuan Qu - Adlerian Spotlight.jpeg

Something funny about me (if my humor is understandable)

Being a graduate student is 24/7 because learning is non-stop. An amusing anecdote shared between my family and friends is when they say, “Learning stops when you sleep. You only dream.” And I would reply, “I dream about learning.” This joke did not become funny until I lengthily explained the unity of personality to my people, who eventually forgave my peculiarity of being “a passionate Adlerian,” as they often called me with tender fondness.

What are my research interests?

Alfred Adler’s Individual Psychology is a pervasive element in my life, but I did not start shifting it to the research arena until recently. As far as I am concerned, the application of Individual Psychology is an utmost exciting topic. Before encountering Adler’s theory and philosophy, I was already oriented toward the psychology of use. Hence, when I learned about pedagogy and supervision in class, it was natural for me to consider how I would incorporate Individual Psychology into the learning content and apply it in the future. I am excited to see how this research interest develops, and I am also open to where the hidden ones pop up.

Be clear, be confident, and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.

 April 2021

Rev. Danáe Ashley M.Div., M.A., LMFT

Danae Ashley

MA, University of the South, School of Theology, Sewanee, Tennessee (seminary)

M.Div., Adler Graduate School, Minneapolis, Minnesota (marriage and family therapy)

Email Danae

Soul Spa Seattle Website


What you do? 
I invite people to experience creativity, nurturing, encouragement, and insight into self and their life’s path, with some good work and gentle humor along the way. I am open and affirming to any and all people/couples who wish to strengthen their relationships through a variety of work: individual counseling, pre-marital counseling, spiritual direction, discernment consultation (for a big life question), Clergy Care Circles (small groups), workshops, and retreats.

Where do you work? 
The Seattle area and online.

Research interests/Life Task interests:
The life task of Love is one of my main interests. I am also interested in the sub-tasks of Self and Spirit. I enjoy bringing each person’s spirituality into their healing. My background as an Episcopal priest has given me an appreciation for how ritual can bring about healing in deep ways.  I create rituals for clients moving through grief, celebrating joys, and other events in life.

If you could be any animal what would you be?
I would definitely be our dog. We have a pillow in our guest room that says, “The Dog and its servants welcome you.” It pretty much sums up how we are with our animal companions!

If you could have lunch with one person from the past, who would it be? What would you eat?
Only one? That is a difficult choice. I think Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1197) would be a fascinating dining companion. She was a Benedictine nun, poet, musician, and physician in the German empire. As for what I would eat—I would eat whatever was local to the time period, and any recommendations Hildegard would have.

Why you joined NASAP? 
I joined NASAP as a student at Adler Graduate School on the encouragement of several of our professors, and have been a member ever since. I appreciate the community spirit and support of Adlerian theory in the community.

What are your hopes are for the future of NASAP?
That it would continue to foster encouragement, community spirit, education in Adlerian theory and practice, and international friendships. I hope for more accessibility and diversity among members as well.

How you’ve participated in NASAP so far?
I have attended Tap Talks and a variety of continuing education offered over the years. One day I will make it to a NASAP conference!

Danae's favorite past times include reading, planning future travels with her husband, tending Alvie’s Memorial Garden, delighting in Sophie Grace (adopted pit bull) and her snuggles, dancing with wild abandon to Celtic music, and serious karaoke.

March 2021

Dr. Kimberly M. Martin, PsyD

PsyD, Clinical Psychology from the Adler School of Professional Psychology (now Adler University). 
Certifications: Mind-Body Medicine from the Center of Mind-Body Medicine, Registered Yoga Teacher (200 hr),
Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy from the Adler School of Professional Psychology.
Former Adjunct with Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, Indiana.  

Kimberly Martin

What do you do? 
I run, I meditate, I participate in on-line dance classes, I order books that I'll never be able to finish.  I'm a novice sprint triathlete, I travel solo and meet locals for interesting conversation.  I work on building personal community and connection.  I practice Buddhism and have found Sangha with a Vietnamese Buddhist community in Indiana.  I take a million pictures of my dog, Karma (a beautiful chihuahua).  

Where do you work? 
I'm self-employed and work in private practice.  I'm currently licensed in the States of Indiana, Virginia, and (temporarily) New Jersey.  In my work with individual clients, I engage in sessions based on Adlerian Psychology.  I also utilize my privilege as a Clinical Psychologist to offer community workshops and educational opportunities designed to decrease the stigma associated with mental health and increase access to mental health information.  These workshops and educational opportunities are under the umbrella of Tea and Therapy, my social entrepreneurial effort to bring mental health to the community through workshops, podcasts, and written materials.  

Research interests/Life Task interests: 
My research interests are still developing, and I'm currently interested in reading/ researching Critical race theory, Intersectionality as a social construct, mind-body wellness, and Intergenerational Trauma.  Looking at the three basic life tasks, I'm most interested in examining the tasks of friendships and love/intimacy.   

If I could be any animal:
I would be a cat, I appreciate the peaceful presence of cats, and their unapologetic nature to just be and do.  They usually have a quiet presence and are such gentle souls. 

If I could have lunch with one person from the past: 
Slightly tricky question, the past as in currently living? or the past as in deceased? If I could have lunch with one person from the past who is no longer with us today, I'd like to have lunch with James Baldwin.  I'd like to hear his ideas on the state of the world today, his ability to find belonging in a foreign land, and his views on identity.  What would you eat? I don't enjoy eating and talking/meeting.  I'd offer to meet with him over a cup(s) of afternoon tea.  If in Paris, maybe croissants and a chai latte.   If I could travel to the past and have lunch with someone, I'd have lunch with Angela Davis after she returned from her studies in Germany.    

Why I joined NASAP:
I joined NASAP in search of a sense of belonging and to stay in contact with other Adlerian Professionals.   In my city of Indianapolis, very few psychologists and mental health professionals get together on a personal basis and most are not Adlerian Psychologists or aware of Adlerian Psychology.  I joined to have a sense of familiarity within my profession.  

My hopes are for the future of NASAP:
I would like to see NASAP grow in size and areas of diversity.  Overall, I hope NASAP expands its presence and outreach to professionals and communities.  

How I've participated in NASAP so far:
The past year, 2020 was the year that I came more involved with NASAP and other Adlerian organizations through memberships, committees, and task force participation.  I've only attended three NASAP conferences, the first when I started my doctoral program, Canada in 2018 and Arizona in 2019.   As a first-generation college graduate and nontraditional student, it was difficult for me to do much more beyond study and work while completing my degree, and afterward, the focus was on finding work, paying debt, and generating income.  Years after graduating, I feel that I've arrived at a place where I can join in and give back.

Kimberly is the creator of Tea and Therapy®, “an emerging social entrepreneurship designed to decrease the stigma associated with mental health and increase access to mental health care and information through teaching, empowering, & advocating”.

Complete LinkTree

 February 2021

Mary Madrake, PsyD

Graduate of Adler University

The first time I attended a NASAP conference as a graduate student I was incredibly nervous.

What if I did not fit in?

What if I did not know enough about Adlerian theory and practice to hold a conversation with these individuals who had been in the field for many years?

My worries were unfounded, as everyone I met was warm and welcoming and was interested to learn as well as share their own knowledge. That sense of welcome and community has continued throughout my involvement with NASAP, including the most recent virtual NASAP conference in 2020.

For last year’s NASAP conference, my co-presenter and I presented a poster on a topic that we felt was important and not frequently discussed in mental health care but also could be controversial in some circles - BDSM and You: Helping to Find Community Within the BDSM Community.            

Mary Madrake.jpg

To my surprise many people were interested in our topic and asked thoughtful questions, sharing that this was an area that they were interested in learning more about. We were even asked to present a TAPTalk later in 2020 to expand on our topic (as we went a little over our time during the poster presentation!).

Preparing for our TAPTalk on the clinical considerations for mental health providers who work with individuals in the kink community was both exciting and nerve-wracking as this community has faced a vast amount of stigma and discrimination from society at large and mental health providers. Those who attended asked insightful questions with a focus on providing empathic and evidence-based care to their clients and a desire to learn more about a community that has been marginalized – as Adlerians tend to do.

As a therapist at Balanced Awakening, I use a relational approach with my clients based on psychodynamic theories as well as my Adlerian training. I work with clients on a variety of concerns but find some of my most rewarding work to be with clients who are part of communities that face a variety of stigma and discrimination: the LGBTQIAA community, those in non-monogamous relationships, and those who engage in kink. While research and clinical practice have begun to see the importance of knowledge and training when working with the LGBTQIAA community, those who are non-monogamous and/or kinky still often find themselves explaining their experiences to mental health providers who view their lifestyles as a phase, a result of trauma, or deviant in some way.


Working with clients who share their stories of therapists telling them their relationships will not last or are a result of childhood trauma led me to begin speaking with colleagues on the importance of training and research into these communities and seeking out opportunities to further my own knowledge and experience. While I may still occasionally receive a side-eye or odd look when speaking about the need for clinicians, and people in general, to understand the role of consent in kink play or the amount of communication needed in successful polyamorous relationships, the majority of people have been open to having these conversations. Providing ethical and empathic care for individuals and communities that society views as nonnormative or deviant is important to me and a view I believe Alfred Adler would share.

My experience as part of the Adlerian community has always been about feeling a sense of belonging, even when stepping out of the box. My hope is to continue sharing my knowledge and experience while also growing, in the environments we have created that push us forward, not away, and welcome all those who desire to belong.

Mary is a post-doctoral fellow, working at Balanced Awakening in Chicago, Illinois