Welcome to the Connection
NASAP’s Online Newsletter

May 2022 Issue

Letter from the Editor

Dear Readers,

Happy May and conference month to my Adlerian friends!

I am certainly looking forward to seeing everyone and meeting new people. I am so grateful for the ability to stay connected over the last few years with all the virtual options available, but there is truly nothing like in-person connection. We did not get any written submissions this month, and I believe it may be because the newsletter has been coming out a bit late and not everyone is seeing the new editions with the upcoming theme announcement. We have some new website and design interns, Adriana Chavez and Belle Duffner from Savannah College of Art & Design, whom we are very happy to have, and I’m optimistic we will now be able to get the newsletter completed by the first of the month! I hope you have all been following the NASAP Facebook page as there are many announcements about trainings and workshops as well as the “2- minute Adlerian” videos! Please scroll down to watch my interview with Terry Kottman, the creator of Adlerian play therapy! Next month’s theme will be “Art Therapy”! As always, please reach out to me for anything at all, and I can’t wait until the end of the month! 

President’s Address

Greetings fellow Adlerians,

“This is my last President’s column for The Connection. I have actually enjoyed the process of thinking through each month what message I wanted to convey. Some have been pretty sober, but this one I intend to be more lighthearted. That is because the theme of this issue is play therapy.”

Tim Hartshorne,
NASAP President

When was the last time you actually played? I do not mean golf or tennis. I mean you took out your toys and just played. Before the pandemic I would take my graduate students to a play therapy room, and tell them to play for 45 minutes, and would then leave them to it.  When I returned I had them report on their experience. It was clear that some had an easier time than others, but by the end of the 45 minutes they had all done some play.   Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote in The Little Prince about grown-ups who are “concerned with matters of consequence” (p. 8), and the necessity of having to “bring myself down to [the adult’s] level. I would talk to him about bridge, and golf, and neckties” (p. 9).  In our concern with matters of consequence, what have we lost? There are matters of consequence: the war in Ukraine, inflation, climate crisis, racial and ethnic intolerance, deep political divisions. These can distress me to the point of tears (OK, so I am not lighthearted here, sorry). But we need to remember to play. Play is a different world, it is a different language, it is a different way of experiencing and being. And, it is therapeutic. To engross oneself in play is to be renewed, restored, refreshed, rejuvenated (the 4 R’s). If we believe in it for children, we should believe in it for ourselves.

Now I want to invite each and every one of you to come play with me. Oh, I know conferences are about matters of consequence, but they are about so much more than that. They are also a retreat away from our other lives; they are a time to hug, shake hands, listen, and laugh; and a time to commune; and a time to play together.  There will be play in Alexandria. It is what the world needs now.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1943). The little prince. Harcourt, Brace, and World

Auction Blurb

A woman holding a paper and a microphone taking bids in a hotel dining hall

Tamara Whear upping our game at the 2021 auction in Milwaukee, WI

It is a tradition at the conference to have a silent auction, with smaller items such as jewelry, art pieces, and books that attendees donate,  and a live auction with bigger items like conference registrations and trips. WE NEED ITEMS! All proceeds from both auctions go to support conference scholarships, so think about what items you could bring with you from home to include in the auctions. For the live auction, information about the items needs to be sent to the NASAP office by May 11th so that there can be time to get the word out and people can plan to bid the night of the banquet. If you have questions or items to donate, contact Susan Belangee at susanbelangee.nasap@gmail.com.


Invitation to Sell Books at NASAP’s 2022 Conference

If you are attending the conference in person:

You are invited to sell your Self-Published Adlerian books and materials in the conference bookstore. This is a great opportunity for you to make your Adlerian publications available to others and, in turn, for conference participants to have many resources at their fingertips. No merchandise may be sold in the presentation rooms.

To take advantage of this opportunity, you must adhere to the following procedures:

1.  Either hand-carry or send your merchandise (addressed to yourself) to the conference site. (See sending instructions below.)

2.  If you hand-carry your merchandise, take it to the bookstore location and check in your materials on Thursday or as soon as you arrive if after Thursday.

3.  If you send your materials in advance please note that you will be responsible for the receiving and holding fee that the hotel charges. You will want to call the hotel to get specifics. Upon your arrival, pick up your materials and take them to the bookstore (in conjunction with the bookstore hours). The hotel phone number is (703) 253-8600.

4.  When you initially take your materials to the bookstore, make arrangements to pick up remaining materials at the close of the book sales (making sure to find out the closing time) since all unclaimed materials will be donated to the local group.  If you are not attending the conference, you will need to make arrangements for a friend to be responsible for your materials since the local group will not be sending back any materials.

5.  Please note that 20% of the proceeds will be donated to NASAP for providing this service.

6.  Please note that you may be asked to claim merchandise for sale on your customs forms when crossing borders and when sending merchandise.  

7.  Mark each individual book, tape, etc. with the selling price.

8.  Enclose a packing list enumerating each title, number of each and price.

9.  Because storage at the conference site is very limited, make arrangements with a shipper to have your materials arrive no sooner than 3 days prior to the conference. Again, note that you may be charged a holding fee per day that your materials arrive before you do. 

Address packages as follows:

The Westin Alexandria Old Town
400 Courthouse Square,
Alexandria, Virginia 22314-5700
Attention:  Guest for the NASAP May 26-29 Conference
(and then include your name)


Art by Jess Minckley


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Susan Belangee at susanbelangee.nasap@gmail.com

Student Adlerian Society (SAS)

SAS is dedicated to teaching about Adlerian theoretical orientation and various concepts.

The Student Adlerian Society (SAS) has been on Bowie State University’s campus for over 10 years. SAS is dedicated to teaching students and faculty more about Adlerian theoretical orientation and various concepts. SAS hosts various events and workshops, including stress management, Adlerian Techniques and Music, Grief and Loss during the Covid-19 pandemic and our annual SAS conference. We inspire to bring networking opportunities to young and upcoming professionals in the field of counseling. We want to ensure that our event and workshops expand the minds of students and professionals, and they can implement new skills and techniques that may not be taught during their graduate programs. Our current executive board is looking forward to continuing to provide educational opportunities for all students and professionals in the future.

Interview with Terry Kottman

 To connect with Terry, and find out more about her workshops, presentations, and other offerings you may visit her website at http://www.encouragementzone.com/

2 Minute Adlerian: The Crime of War

The Adlerian Professionals/Integrated Professionals (AP/IP) Section of the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology (NASAP) has created a series of videos
called the "2-minute Adlerian".


The Crime of War

In this short video, Dr. Marina Bluvshtein shares perspectives on "belongingness" and considers how this concept is shaped and influenced by conditions of war.

Check it out on the NASAP YouTube Channel and Subscribe for more Adlerian Content coming soon!


Adlerian Spotlight

Rachel Inman

1.) What is your experience with Adlerian psychology?

Hi Adlerian family! I am currently a licensed professional counselor (LPC) in the state of South Carolina. I have recently moved to Florida and am working towards transferring my license. I am excited to continue to learn and grow in a new place!  

The two years of my associate license, I had the privilege of being supervised by Calvin Armerding, MA, LPC. Calvin is a talented licensed professional counselor in the state of South Carolina who has practiced Adlerian psychotherapy for many years. Being trained by a clinician who is so passionate about Adlerian psychology gave me the curiosity to learn more. After reading more than a handful of articles about Adlerian psychology a memory of graduate school came to mind. I attended The University of North Carolina at Charlotte which is where I was first exposed to Adlerian psychology. During one of my play therapy courses my professor, Phillis Post, arranged a phone call with Terry Kottoman, the founder of Adlerian play therapy. During this time myself and some fellow classmates got to pick Terry Kottmans brain about Adlerian play. Remembering this phone call only sparked that much more of an interest. I am currently in my journey of learning more about Adlerian psychotherapy and play therapy. I am eager and open to all resources so please do not hesitate to reach out! 

2.) What is your understanding of Adlerian play therapy? How is it different and/or similar to other forms of play therapy?

The two theories that come to mind are Adlerian and Client-Centered play therapy. I like both theories and what they have to say about children. I feel that Adlerian play therapy allows for flexibility to be more directive when needed where Client-Centered play is solely a non-directive approach. I really like the way that the therapist role changes throughout treatment within Adlerian play therapy. Within Adlerian play therapy I think for termination purposes it is very beneficial that towards the end of treatment the therapist role changes from teacher to the encourager. Overall the therapeutic relationship is extremely important within both approaches which is the foundation of my beliefs. 

3.) What are your professional goals as a play therapist?

I love what I do! Being a therapist is more than a job--it reflects a core part of me that enjoys getting to know people at a real level. Some of my professional goals as a therapist are to become licensed to practice in the state of Florida; obtain a job as a clinical school based counselor to learn more about the Florida school system and the local resources provided for children, create an online course, become a supervisor and open a collaborative practice geared for children ages 12 and below. I find it helpful to look at my goals daily to stay focused. I am learning that goal setting is an ongoing learning process in figuring out what works and eliminating what doesn't. Goal setting is imperative if we are ever going to accomplish what we set out to achieve. I always try to remind myself that success is an intentional process. 

4.) How can we connect with you?

I am an extroverted soul who values relationships. If in the Tampa area I would love to grab coffee/a beverage with you and hear more about how I can be of support to you. No matter your location, you can reach me at my personal email of Realbers14@gmail.com.

What’s The Story?

“What The Story?”: Life Narratives Study Group


Instead of a Life Life Style Demonstration (as publicized), we will read and interpret

The Recollections of Vladimir Putin

Meeting should last 1 ½ - 2 hours
Leave your bias at the door!

Next Meeting:

Zoom Sunday, May 8, 2022 – 1:00 p.m. Central


Meeting ID: 861 8090 9518

Passcode: 522847

What’s the Story? is a book club with a twist in which we read and interpret a person’s perceived important memories (the Early Recollections!) as if, “strung together,” they compose a short story or literary text.  

We are now meeting every three months


(1:00 p.m. Central Standard Time (U.S./Canada/Chicago), 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time/New York, 12:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time/Denver, 11:00 a.m. Pacific/Los Angles, 7 p.m. Greenwich Mean Time/London, 8 p.m. Central European Time/Paris, Warsaw).  

For more information, contact: Les White, lesw@rcn.com or leswhitechicago@gmail.com, or go to our website: 


Rudolph Dreikurs

Free Adlerian Training

Art by Aubrey Black

Did you know that the Adlerian Network (AN) offers a presentation each month for those who want to learn more about how to use Adlerian psychology in their profession? The meetings are on Zoom the first Saturday of each month (except September) from 9:30-11:30 A.M. Central time and they are FREE. Get on the mailing list by sending a request to adlerian.network@gmail.com and you will receive the link each month from our Mailchimp newsletter. If you join AN for just $20 per year, you can receive a CE certificate for your records. For more information, check the website adlerian.carrd.co/

Below are the next three presentations. We will look forward to having you join us.

Susan Brokaw, Founder of Adler Graduate School and the Adlerian Network.

May 7, Robert Saxner, The Crucial Cs in Practice

June 4, Jon Sperry, Adlerian Case Conceptualization

July--no meeting

August 6, Jim Bitter

From the NASAP Public Relations Committee

NASAP Calendar

The new website continues to grow with the addition of an Events page and Calendar at the bottom of the Home page. All affiliate events and section events will be added to these pages for easy access. There is a TAP Talk page and a NASAP Affiliate Sponsored Programs page under the Training tab. Send in your information a month in advance so the program can be listed in a timely manner.

Jess Minckley
Public Relations Chair



Check us out on Social Media

More About the Upcoming Conference


Conference News.

It’s coming! Get excited. More information about the conference on the NASAP Website:

  • Registrations are rolling in for the conference and we are getting excited about the big event. Hotel rooms are also going quickly so be sure to book your hotel room early so you don't have to find different lodging for the conference. For information and the link to the hotel registration, visit the Hotel page on the NASAP website.

  • Do you enjoy taking pictures? Are you planning on coming to the conference in Alexandria, VA? NASAP is in need of someone willing to take pictures that can be used for future promotional activities as well as to share on the website. Please contact Susan Belangee if you are interested. susanbelangee.nasap@gmail.com

  • We are creating a photo gallery of pictures on the new website from the NASAP conference, COR meetings, and affiliate events. Please send any images you would like to share to Susan Belangee at susanbelangee.nasap@gmail.com. Please make sure you send them as .png or .jpg files that are 500 KB or less. Also, please include information about where the pictures were taken and who is in the pictures (if specific people vs. group shot).

  • Did you know that you can be a sponsor of the NASAP conference for as little as $100? There are several levels of sponsorship for this year's conference, something to fit every budget. Advertise your private practice or coaching or consulting services! Share information about a book you recently published or will be publishing. Information can be found on the Sponsorships page under the 2022 Conference tab on the website.